Did you know that many lenders are turning to automatic submissions and documentation for accepting equipment financing applications? Digital. Automated. Both words that are common today. However, once an equipment financing application is submitted, lenders often send financing documents directly to the applicant without providing a proposal first.

Okay, so is that a problem? It can be.

These documents frequently require the applicant’s signature and submitting additional credit information, often indicating that the applicant is not yet fully credit approved. Also, the financing structure presented might include a substantial first payment or security deposit.

At Global Financial and Leasing Services (GFLS), we see time and time again that this can be a significant hurdle for many business owners. That’s why we offer a “Second Opinion.” This service is designed to provide alternative solutions to business owners who might feel stuck with less favorable financing terms.

A Real-World Example of an Equipment Financing Second Opinion

Recently, an applicant approached us with an existing credit approval structure from another lender. This approval required a hefty 30% down payment as the first payment. Our team at GFLS was able to reassess the applicant’s financial situation and offer a much smaller first payment, significantly easing their cash flow concerns and making the deal more attractive and manageable.

The Benefits of Getting a Second Opinion from GFLS

Unbiased Advice: Our equipment lending experts offer unbiased advice and comprehensive financial solutions tailored to your unique needs. We believe in making sure you’re fully informed so you can make the smartest decisions for your business.

Better Deals: Don’t just take the first offer that comes your way. Before you sign on the dotted line, why not get a second opinion from GFLS? We can help you explore your options and potentially save big.

Tailored Financing Solutions: Ready to finance new or pre-owned equipment? Pause and get a second opinion from GFLS. We offer custom, flexible financing solutions that might just save you money and boost your business’s efficiency and bottom line.

Smarter Financial Decisions: Check in with GFLS first for a second opinion. We deliver competitive, flexible financing options designed to meet your budget and unique business needs because we look at the whole picture, not just a credit score.

Learn more: Beyond Credit Scores: The Human Side of Equipment Financing

Peace of Mind: Discover flexible, cost-effective options that fit your goals. That’s not only the best thing for you, but also your business growth strategy.

Contact Us Today for a Second Opinion

At GFLS, we believe that when it comes to your finances (and most other things), a second opinion could make all the difference. Ready to grow your business with new equipment but unsure about the best financing options? Don’t settle for the first financing offer—let us help you explore better possibilities.

Reach out to us today because it never hurts to explore your options. A second opinion from Global Financial and Leasing Services could be the best decision you make for your business.