"*" indicates required fields

Broker (Exact Legal Name)*
Contact Name*
Business Address*
Member of the AACFB*


Principal #1 Name*
Principal #2 Name*

Funding Source References

Contact Name*
Contact Name*

Transaction Information

Please provide information on the type of business you do.


Have you as Broker and/or owner of Broker or any company affiliated with Broker ever filed for bankruptcy, been convicted of a felony or is the subject of a pending law suit?
I/we represent that the above information is true and correct. This information is provided for the purpose of inducing Global Financial & Leas-ing Services, LLC to enter into and/or continue in a broker/lessor relationship with Broker subject to a Broker Agreement. I/we authorize you to investigate our business and personal banking, credit and business relationships for this purpose.
This field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged.
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